Glassboro Legacy

Acrylic Paint on Polytab, Digital Drawing printed on Polytab, Stained Glass Mosaic and Colored Mirror, QR codes leading to web, and video content


15’ x 57’

105 W. High St., Glassboro, NJ

Glassboro Legacy acts as a timeline of the history of Glassboro, New Jersey. It begins with a reference to the area’s original inhabitants the Lenni Lenape people. From there, it extends forward in time through the founding of the industry that gave the town its name, a civil rights march in the 1960’s, and finally, with a group of graduates looking toward the future. The mural is a multimedia piece that incorporates painting, glass mosaic, digital drawing, and the use of QR codes that direct the viewer to different related websites.

This project was a collaboration with Philadelphia muralist Eric Okdeh and was funded by Creative Glassboro, Rowan University, and the Township of Glassboro.


A look at the process